About Me


Jari Makinen

I am a science journalist with deep interest in space, flying and especially in spaceflight.

I've been studying astronomy, but found quite early that I'm better in explaining the science than doing it.

I'm covering the French news issues and culture for the news and current affars department of the Finnish Broadcasting Company.

I also host and provide content to Tiedetuubi.fi website, organise exhibitions, and write books.

I have been also involved with a New Space start-up Arctic Astronautics Ltd.

I'm a member of several journalist and scientific associations in Finland and France and I've been awarded the Finland's State Award for Public Information.

I live currently in the France, but work globally.

When I don't work, I tend to go cycling.

My short CV is here and basic presentation of my books is here.

Click here for some photos of me (for authorized use).

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